


Thank you so much for considering Gwinnett Technical College students to meet your hiring needs. Whether you are looking for candidates for full-time, part-time, or intern we can assist you in meeting those needs. Please see below for a listing of ways we can assist you with this process. If you are unsure which services might work best for your organization, please contact us at 678-226-6252 and we will be happy to help.

Posting Job Vacancies/Internships

You can register with the Gwinnett Tech CareerLink and post jobs and internships FREE of charge at Gwinnett Tech. This job posting portal is featured on the front page of the Career Services webpage; both students and alumni will be directed to this page when searching for jobs.

On-Campus Recruitment

If you would like to come to campus to get the word out to large numbers of students about your company and recruit for your employment opportunities, we can schedule a day for you to set up an information table in a high-traffic area of our student life center. Call 678-226-6252 or email to plan in advance so we can create publicity to get the word out on campus that you’ll be here.

Information Sessions

Information sessions are typically 45-60 minutes in length and give you the opportunity to speak to a group of interested students about employment or internship opportunities at your organization. Sessions are scheduled in a room with technological capabilities to allow employers to access the web, show promotional clips, etc. Call 678-226-6252 or email to plan in advance so we can create publicity to get the word out on campus that you’ll be here.

Career and Internship Fair

The annual spring career and internship fair features recruiters from various businesses, non-profit, educational, and government sectors. Come, meet, and recruit Gwinnett Tech’s students and alumni for part-time, full-time, or internship positions! To register for our spring career and internship fair please log in to your Gwinnett Tech CareerLink account. If you are new to this system, click on “Sign Up” and create an account.

The Career Services Center assists our employment partners in meeting their workforce needs, providing access to our 24/7 online job board to help fill job openings quickly and with the best candidates.


Thank you for embracing the Gwinnett Tech mission of workforce development. Working with Gwinnett Tech to develop internships through our Launch Pointe program will help your company build upon its success. Most companies who participate grow their internship program year after year and have found that having an internship program is a significant cost savings when it comes time to hire full-time employees. You will have a pipeline of students already exposed to your corporate culture and how your business operates. You will have a pipeline of students already exposed to how your business operates who can be considered for employment opportunities. This allows for a seamless flow of onboarding and professional development, which typically leads to employee loyalty and efficiency of work product. For your internship to be successful, we ask that you provide a challenging and substantive environment that is related to the students program of study with a direct point of contact who will supervise and evaluate the student. The College works with all sizes of employers, from Fortune 1000 companies, to international or national conglomerates to non-profits, local businesses and smaller family-run businesses.

Some internships are for academic credit where part of the employer evaluation accounts for a portion of the students’ overall grade. Non-academically evaluated internships are taken very seriously and students who are selected to participate in the internship have to go through a competitive process.

To post an internship, create a free account and add a job posting in our Career Link Employers Portal and a member of our team will be in touch with you.

CareerLink Company Standards

  • Employer must have
    • At least 2 employees
    • A company website
    • A physical non-residential property address
    • A physical commercial office – Cannot be a home-based employer!
    • Commercial liability insurance
    • Reasonable ratings with the Better Business Bureau
    • Provide mentor/professional to work directly with the student in their field of study

Employer Terms and Conditions

All employment opportunities and recruiting activities promoted through Gwinnett Technical College’s Career Services and Launch Pointe Centers (herein referred to as Career Services) must comply with the applicable federal, state, and local employment laws, including those set forth by the EEOC, as well as affirmative action regulations.

Career Services at Gwinnett Technical College uses a Career Services Management (CSM) platform called CareerLink, powered by Symplicity. This portal is used to advertise internship and employment opportunities and to facilitate on-campus recruitment efforts for Gwinnett Tech students and alumni.

For job vacancies to be posted successfully, the following information is required. Failure to provide these details may result in the job posting being rejected:

  • Organization name, along with its mailing address and phone number.
  • Full name of a contact person, including email address and phone number.
  • A specific job title accompanied by a detailed description of the available position.
  • The type of job (full-time, part-time, or an internship).
  • Recruitment agencies and third-party recruiters must provide the name of the organization they are recruiting for; however, this information will not be disclosed in the job posting.

Only genuine employment opportunities will be accepted.

Career Services at Gwinnett Technical College will not accept the following types of employment:

  • Commission-only employment.
  • Independent contracting arrangements (self-employment).
  • Work involving unpaid or reduced pay for training (with the exception of volunteer organizations).
  • Work where credit is offered in lieu of payment.
  • Positions that necessitate the purchase of a service or product or mandate a certified deposit or a similar financial commitment as a condition of employment.
  • Employment contracts or franchise contracts that charge a fee, such as certification fees, licensing fees, equipment purchases, or initial investments in a company.
  • Jobs involving pyramid-type or multi-level marketing organizations.
  • Roles that require work to be conducted at the private residence of the employer, including caregivers, tutors, landscapers, and care attendants.

Career Services at Gwinnett Technical College strictly prohibits the following recruitment strategies on campus:

  • Utilizing common internal and external areas on campus, such as waiting areas, lobbies, break rooms, entrances, library, or eating areas, for conducting unscheduled recruiting activities.
  • Placing or displaying employment advertisements and promotional materials in unauthorized areas.

To support employers in their on-campus recruitment efforts, Career Services at Gwinnett Technical College offers a range of resources, with details available on our website. All employers and professional groups/associations are required to contact Career Services to discuss available recruitment strategies before engaging with or visiting Gwinnett Technical College students.

It is of utmost importance that the outlined processes are adhered to when recruiting and promoting employment opportunities on campus. Unauthorized recruitment activities will result in discontinued use of our services.

Career Services at Gwinnett Technical College reserves the right to decline any employer conducting recruitment on campus under the following circumstances:

  • Non-compliance with the specified terms and conditions.
  • Providing incorrect or misleading information.
  • Founded complaints from students, alumni, or college personnel regarding unethical recruitment practices.
  • Employment that Career Services considers does not represent a viable work opportunity for students and alumni.
  • Behavior or conduct of an employer that breaches Career Services’ policies and practices or is deemed unethical in recruitment activities.

Career Services at Gwinnett Technical College Website Disclaimer

Career Services at Gwinnett Technical College strives to maintain the accuracy of the information found on the College’s website and in printed materials. While we aim to provide relevant and up-to-date links to internal and external web pages, we do not accept responsibility for the content on external websites. Please note that our inclusion of these links should not be interpreted as an endorsement by Career Services of any third-party content, causes, ideas, web content, products, or services. We retain the right to reject or remove any external links at our discretion.

By posting an internship opportunity, you agree to comply with all federal and state regulations regarding Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity and to follow the National Association of Colleges and Employers Principals of Professional Practice.

If this internship is unpaid, it is vital that you comply with Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) guidelines, which in part means that the focus of the internship is for the educational benefit of the student and that an intern is not replacing an employee.