Gwinnett Tech is committed to providing educational opportunities for all qualified students regardless of their disability. We provide reasonable academic accommodations for students with documented disabilities – without compromising academic standards.

Our policies comply with the regulations set forth by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American Disabilities Act of 1990. Gwinnett Technical College is an equal opportunity institution that admits otherwise qualified students with no regard to documented disabilities.

Gwinnett Tech will assist students with reasonable academic accommodations based on their individual documentation. Since the college does not provide specialized courses or tutoring specifically for students with disabilities, we will work with existing college resources such as the Learning Success Center for academic skills, the Assistive Technology and Testing Center, workshops and generalized tutoring.

Students are expected to identify themselves in a timely manner when an accommodation is needed and to provide appropriate documentation as requested. Failure to do so may cause students to either, timely withdraw from classes or proceed without accommodations.

You should also know about:


Gwinnett Tech adheres to all state and federal laws concerning confidentiality. As an enrolled student, you are considered an adult and all information provided becomes confidential. Unless the student has signed the confidential disclosure statement, we will be unable to provide information to parents or other interested parties.

It is the students right to know who receives information regarding their disability. Therefore, we will not automatically provide services each semester. In order to receive accommodations, a student must provide their current class schedule to the Disability Services Office each semester they wish to receive services.

Documentation Needed

In order to provide the most reasonable and appropriate services for a student with a disability, we require current and comprehensive documentation of the disability. A qualified specialist must provide a report that addresses the student’s evaluation, diagnosis and appropriate recommendations. It is important this report outlines how the disability will impact the student in an academic setting. Complete a Student Intake Form to register with Disability Services. Once you are registered, you will need to submit your current schedule each semester to receive classroom accommodations.

Rights and Responsibilities

Gwinnett Tech has the right to identify and establish essential functions, abilities, skills, knowledge, standards and criteria for courses, programs and/or jobs. The college has the right to deny a request for accommodations, auxiliary aids or services that are inappropriate, ineffective, unreasonable or may pose a direct threat to the health and safety of others, impose a substantial change to an essential element of the curriculum or pose an undue financial or administrative burden on the program, activities, faculty or staff of the college. All students are evaluated based on their performance.

Accommodations cannot be provided until documentation has been received and evaluated.

For more information, contact:
Disabilities Service Office
Building A, Room 407

Alpharetta-North Fulton
Room A-162