Transient Student Application
What is a Transient Student?
A transient student is a guest from another college or university for one-term, who has been verified by the home institution as being in good academic standing and eligible to return; and who has their home institution’s permission to attend Gwinnett Technical College as a transient student.
What is a Consortium Agreement?
When a student would like to enroll in two institutions simultaneously and wants to use State or/and Federal funding. The student will want to combine the hours at both institutions for financial aid purposes. If Gwinnett Technical College is the student’s home institution the student will need to complete a consortium agreement to determine who will process the student’s financial aid.
- Apply for admission application and any additional requirements at the host institution.
GTC HOME Transient students must meet ALL the following requirements below to request a Transient Letter and be granted transient student permission:- Must be currently enrolled at Gwinnett Technical College
- Must be accepted into a program of study
- General studies program students are not eligible
- Must be in good standing
- Must have an overall GPA of at least 2.0
- Must NOT have any holds on your student record
- Must meet any/all pre‐requisites or test score requirements to receive a transient permission
- The course and course credit(s) must be required to complete your Gwinnett Technical College program of study
- If the course is offered at Gwinnett Technical College, permission cannot be granted
- Developmental courses will not be approved
- No more than 75% of your total program requirements can be met through transfer credit, including courses taken as a transient student
- Maximum combined enrollment hours may not exceed 18 credit hours
- Complete Request for a Transient Letter
- Must be obtained from an enrollment advisor
- To be completed by student AND GTC Enrollment Advisor.
- Must be obtained from an enrollment advisor
- UPLOAD the Transient Letter to your Target “X” Transient Application.
- Register for courses at the host institution
- Complete Gwinnett Technical College Consortium Agreement Packet – (Only for students attending institutions outside the Technical College System of Georgia)
- Consortium Agreement Packet can be found via the Financial Aid Forms page – select appropriate aid year.
- Financial Aid Acknowledgment for Consortium Agreement
- To be completed and signed by student
- Do NOT complete consortium agreement packet unless you have been awarded financial aid for the term of which you are applying to be a transient student
- Student will need to submit completed document to Office of Financial Aid
- Consortium Agreement
- Section I to be completed by student
- Submit form to host institution for completion of Section II
- Institution will send to Gwinnett Technical College Office of Financial Aid
- Financial Aid Acknowledgment for Consortium Agreement
- Consortium Agreement Packet can be found via the Financial Aid Forms page – select appropriate aid year.
- HOPE Eligible Students – Complete HOPE Transient Request Form
- HOPE eligible students will pay any balance due that HOPE will not pay
- Pay all fees due at host institution
- Refund of Gwinnett Technical College financial aid will be disbursed to the student during the scheduled refund dates for each semester. (Summer disbursements will occur at the end of June)
- After the transient term is over, submit a final copy of the academic transcript from the host institution to Gwinnett Technical College.
- A Consortium Agreement must be completed if you are receiving any Federal Aid (i.e., Stafford Loan, Pell Grant). Please remember that you must be enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours to qualify for loans.
- Your Pell Grant award on your student account award page is calculated at full-time enrollment (12 hours.) Your Pell Grant will be prorated according to the hours of enrollment. Students that are awarded loan funds must be enrolled for a minimum of six (6) undergraduate semester hours. Students must pay any fees that they incur at the host institution by the fee payment deadline for the host institution. Gwinnett Technical College will not send your financial aid to your host institution to pay your tuition and fees.
- If you have not already done so, complete the Request for a Transient Letter. This form is required by the Gwinnett Technical College Office of the Registrar and is necessary to make sure your classes attempted at your “host” institution will be transferred and/or accepted back to Gwinnett Technical College.
- Submit completed consortium documentation to: Tina Smith
Gwinnett Technical College, Office of Financial Aid
Lawrenceville, GA 30043 or Fax: (678-226-6916)
- Submit completed consortium documentation to: Tina Smith
Welcome to Gwinnett Technical College! We’re glad you’ve chosen to attend. Here’s what you’re going to have to do to get your aid processed as a guest:
Note: All financial aid requests MUST be done through your home institution’s financial aid office.
Note: Until all fees have been paid to Gwinnett Technical College, your Consortium Agreement will not be sent back to your home institution.
- Complete the transient request process at your home institution.
- Transient students must re-apply each semester of attendance and pay the $25 application fee
- UPLOAD proof of Georgia residency/verification of lawful presence in the U.S. Please refer to the description of the documentation needed.
- UPLOAD an Official Transient Letter from your HOME Institution to your Target “X” Transient Application
- EMAIL unofficial college transcript(s) to Marie Wilson via email to This confirms that Gwinnett Tech prerequisite requirements have been met. Transient students are not eligible to register for courses for which they have not met the prerequisite requirements.
- If eligible for HOPE, request a HOPE Transient Request be sent to Gwinnett Technical College from your home institution.
- Pay all fees for courses: Fee Schedule
- HOPE eligible students will pay any balance due that HOPE did not pay.
- Send HOME institution Consortium Agreements to Tina Smith in the Gwinnett Technical College Office of Financial Aid via email Make sure your GTC student id is in all correspondences.
- Enrollment verification sheets will not be sent to your HOME institution until after mid-term of the term you are attending.
- Until all fees have been paid to Gwinnett Technical College, your Consortium Agreement will not be sent back to your home institution.
- After the transient term is over, submit a final copy of the academic transcript from Gwinnett Technical College to your home institution.
A Consortium Agreement must be completed if you are receiving any Federal Aid (i.e., Stafford Loan, Pell Grant). Please remember that you must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours to qualify for loans.
Mailing Documents send to:
Gwinnett Technical College
Admissions Office
5150 Sugarloaf Parkway
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Returning Student Application
- Submit the Returning Student Application for admission.
- Submit proof of Georgia residency/verification of lawful presence in the U.S. Please refer to the description on the documents needed.
- Submit all college transcripts if you attended a college(s) other than Gwinnett Tech since you were last enrolled.
Mailing Documents send to:
Gwinnett Technical College
Admissions Office
5150 Sugarloaf Parkway
Lawrenceville, GA 30043