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Question #1: Will I be missing any e-mails/folders?
Answer: No, all your e-mails, subfolders, calendar items, tasks, etc. will be exactly how they were before the migration to Office 365. This includes any NEW e-mails that have come through.
Questions #2: Will I still be able to receive work e-mail on my mobile devices like my phone and tablet?
Answer: Yes, once running through a quick reconfiguration as outlined in the links on the previous page, e-mail will be accessible in exactly the same way on your mobile devices as before.
Question #3: I used to have multiple Outlook profiles setup and after reconfiguring I only have access to one. What do I need to do?
Answer: I.T. can quickly assist you in setting up the additional Outlook profiles so that you can pick which one to login to. Contact I.T. for additional assistance on this matter.
Question #4: How do I access my e-mail externally and change/update my password?
Answer: Faculty/Staff now have access to the GTC Dashboard and will follow the same procedures for accessing e-mail and updating/resetting their passwords as students. Please click here for further information: GTC Dashboard.
Question #5: What new features does Office 365 offer us?
Answer: Office 365 offers a 50GB mailbox (compared to our current 2GBs), 1TB of cloud storage via OneDrive, full Office 2016 installations on up to 5 different devices, access to the GTC Dashboard, the ability to change passwords online/reset them, increased security, and high availability of our Exchange environment through Microsoft.