General Education
Welcome to our General Education Courses!
Gwinnett Tech offers a comprehensive series of general education courses in liberal arts and science. While major programs focus within a chosen specialization, general education or core courses provide a broad of understanding within a variety of disciplines.
Early Childhood Care and Education

Introduces concepts relating the responsibilities and procedures involved in a variety of early childhood care situations. Topics includes guidance, developmentally appropriate practices, learning environment and cultural diversity.
- ECCE 1101 – Intro to Early Childhood Care & Education
- ECCE 1103 – Child Growth and Development
- ECCE 1105 – Health, Safety and Nutrition
- ECCE 1112 – Curriculum and Assessment
- ECCE 1113 – Creative Activities for Children
- ECCE 1121 – Early Childhood Care & Ed Practicum
- ECCE 2115 – Language and Literacy
- ECCE 2201 – Exceptionalities
- ECCE 2202 – Social Issues & Family Involvement
- ECCE 2203 – Guidance and Classroom Management
- ECCE 2245 – Early Childhood Care and Education Internship I
- ECCE 2246 – Early Childhood Care and Education Internship II
- ECCE 2310 – Paraprofessional Methods and Materials
- ECCE 2312 – Paraprofessional Roles and Practices
- ECCE 2320 – Program Administration and Facility Management
- ECCE 2322 – Personnel Management
- ECCE 2360 – Classroom Strategies for Exceptional Children
- ECCE 2362 – Exploring Your Role in the Exceptional Environment
English (all levels)

Students will learn to write and communicate in various modes, media, and/or rhetorical contexts, as well as demonstrate an ability to comprehend, analyze and interpret texts.
- ENGL 0910 – Diploma ENGL & READ LS
- ENGL 0911 – Degree ENGL & READ LS
- ENGL 0997 – Basic English & Reading
- ENGL 1010 – Fundamentals of English I
- ENGL 1101 – Composition and Rhetoric
- ENGL 1102 – Literature and Composition
- ENGL 1105 – Technical Communications
- ENGL 2110 – World Literature
- ENGL 2130 – American Literature

Explores the philosophic and artistic heritage of humanity expressed through a historical perspective on visual arts, music and literature.
First Year Experience

This course creates an awareness of various campus resources and the academic skills necessary to achieve educational and career success.
Math (all levels)

Learn to explain information presented in mathematical forms (equations, graphs, diagrams, tables) and/or convert information into mathematical forms at a level appropriate.
- MATH 0097 – Math II
- MATH 0903 – Support for Quantitative Skills & Reasoning
- MATH 0911 – Support for College Algebra
- MATH 0912 – Support for Foundations of MATH
- MATH 1012 – Foundations of Mathematics
- MATH 1103 – Quantitative Skills and Reasoning
- MATH 1111 – College Algebra
- MATH 1113 – Precalculus
- MATH 1127 – Introduction to Statistics
- MATH 1131 – Calculus I
- MATH 1132 – Calculus II
American Government and History

Students will demonstrate a broad understanding of history, political systems or culture of the U.S., as well as analyze how historical, economic and political relationships develop.
Social Sciences

Introduces academic disciplines, concerned with society and relationships among individuals within a society. Social sciences include, but are not limited to, economics, psychology, sociology and linguistics.
- COMM 1100 – Human Communication
- ECON 1101 – Principles of Economics
- ECON 2105 – Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECON 2106 – Principles of Microeconomics
- SPCH 1101 – Public Speaking
- SOCI 1101 – Introduction to Sociology
- SOCI 1120 – Introduction to Medical Sociology
- SOCI 2600 – Introduction to Social Problems
- PSYC 1010 – Basic Psychology
- PSYC 1101 – Introductory Psychology
- PSYC 2103 – Human Development
- PSYC 2250 – Abnormal Psychology
Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development

Explores human relations and professional development in today’s rapidly changing world that prepares students for living and working in a complex society.