How do I find out what internship opportunities are available?
Create a profile in Gwinnett Tech’s Career Link. Opportunities are typically posted for 30 days so act fast!
Are internships paid?
Some internships are paid and others are unpaid. It is up to the employer. The job posting in Career Link will typically state whether it is paid or unpaid.
What if an internship is not required as part of my academic program, can I still participate in one?
Some internship opportunities are outside of a required internship course, which is part of your academic program. If you apply and are given the opportunity, the employer will still give feedback but it will not be for a grade.
Does the internship have to be related to my major?
Yes, the internship must be related to your program of study. It assists you with making your transition into the workforce.
Will my internship lead to employment?
No, there is no guarantee that the internship will lead to employment. If you do an excellent job and the company has a hiring need this may increase your chance of being hired.
Fall, Spring and Summer Internships
Although many students may feel that summer semester is the only time of year an internship is available, nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, it may be true that the summer semester is a busy time for internships, but the truth is that employers in all different sizes of companies are looking for interns year round. Keep in mind that the earlier you start the process the better your chances are at finding the right internship opportunity.