female medical administrative assistant

medical administrative assistant

Registration is from August 19 to September 30.

Gwinnett Tech TakeTen Program

As a medical administrative assistant, you will learn the skills that employers need: Your duties on the job include:

  • front office support
  • administrative duties
  • scheduling appointments
  • maintaining patient records
  • working with patients
  • knowing the medical terminology needed for the job.


Our 10-week program will start in August 2024 and will take place Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Fridays from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

A detailed schedule breakdown will be discussed during the invite-only information session upon successful completion of the TABE Test and pre-registration process.

Schedules are subject to change.

Please complete the Take Ten+ Program Form below in order to be contacted by the IET Dept.

  • Gwinnett Technical College – Lawrenceville Campus
    5150 Sugarloaf Pkwy
    Lawrenceville, 30043

Take Ten+ Program Form

For information regarding the Take Ten+ Program, please contact 
Yolanda Usry, Director of IET/ Take Ten, Adult Education YUsry@GwinnettTech.edu or 678-226-6369