You will select the green Sign up tab next to the NSO session you wish to attend. Then you will be led to a forms page that you can fill out and submit.
You need to register prior to in person on campus events. If you wish to attend and the registration is closed, please email to ask for permission to attend.
Students are limited to one guest for in-person events due to room capacity restraints. Please note that parents/friends might need to wait in the lobby area during the breakout sessions.
You may arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of the session.
When you arrive, you will check in with the orientation staff. The schedule will include a welcome presentation which lasts about 75 minutes, a 15 minute break and then a 30 minute breakout session with the Enrollment Advising Teams. There will be an optional registration assistance lab for 90 minutes after the orientation.
We expect you to attend orientation to prepare for classes. You may complete orientation in-person or online. If you are late, you should plan to supplement your orientation with our self-paced online sessions.
WebEx is an online meeting tool, similar to Zoom. Cisco WebEx has a number of resources online. We’ve included instructions about how to join a WebEx meeting.
Review the online help materials. You can also search for instructions to troubleshoot your particular issue.
You can log-in 15 minutes prior to the start of the live session. If you have never used WebEx, please review the instructions provided in your reminder emails. You can also search online for WebEx instructions and additional information.
We provide a course schedule search for you to review without having to log-in to your student accounts. The course listings are subject to change and updates.
Class Offerings
We will introduce you to resources important for your education at Gwinnett Tech. Topics will include campus technology, email, financial aid, registration, and classroom success. A member of your enrollment advising team will present information on how they can help you with class selection, financial aid, and general advising.
Please email the Student Success Team at:
You can find your enrollment advising team on the Gwinnett Tech Advisement page. We have teams of advisors who work with students in like majors. You can select each team to see what majors they serve.
Enrollment Advisement
We are offering a number of courses that are being taught on campus, in a blended model, and online only. You can review the course schedule to see what classes are being offered and how they are being taught.
Course Schedule
The academic calendar has all of the start and end dates for registration. Review the academic calendar here:
Academic Calendar
For accommodations during your orientation event, please contact the Disabilities Office prior to your orientation to indicate your needs. The office may be reached at 678-226-6672 or you may contact the support contact assigned to each campus.
Lawrenceville Campus:
Lisa Richardson
Special Populations Coordinator
Alpharetta-North Fulton Campus:
Juan Wilson
Student Support Coordinator